What We Do

We're the technical people behind the scenes. You provide the vision, the design, the Big Idea. We provide the How-To, the Nuts-and-Bolts, the Make-It-Happen. We work with creative, marketing, idea-oriented organizations to do the down-and-dirty implementation. We provide cost-effective solutions by using existing Open Source solutions on pay-as-you-go cloud platforms to help the client make money.

If you are seeking unique, affordable solutions for your small business electronic presence, branding design and marketing needs...
Look no further.

At OpenFace Systems we are devoted to supporting sales through creative media and marketing campaigns.

Whether it’s printed or electronic, high end or tight budget, we always look for “business smart” solutions to best express a company’s brand.

  • Common Sense
  • Pride of Ownership
  • Under Budget
  • Ahead of Schedule

These are the guidelines you focus on everyday.

With the services we offer, we can help you market your small business cost-effectively while providing the high-end branded look you desire.

printEven though the www has changed everything from the way we find products to the way we interact, there is still a place for a well designed printed piece.

Whether it is a handy rack card, direct mail piece, more elaborate corporate brochure, or trade show display we will present many economical options that will clearly represent your services or products.

Trade shows and conferences can be a great way to aquire leads and potenial business prospects. There are many economical yet impactful ways to display what your company offers. You don't have to spend a lot of money to stand out among your competitors at a show.

Additionally, a well designed and visually pleasing printed piece insures your company information goes home with your show visitors. Printed pieces can be a terrific way of getting your brand and product in front of potential clients.


branding ironWhat is all the fuss about company branding?

Well, your brand identifies your company visually.

This visual uniformity across all platforms sends a clear message to your existing and potential customers that your company is consistant in the delivery of services and/or products.

Together we will work to create a new, or possible refresh of your existing company logo.

We will assess color, scalability and effective visual translation. Then from there, we will develop a set of "brand standards" that you will be able to use as a guideline to insure your brand stays consistent.

We will develop a strong company slogan and an overall design scheme that flows across all areas of your companys visual representation.

When a client sees your business card, website, company brochure, electronic newsletter of any other printed or electronic media, what they see clearly defines your business.